Lucineida is passionate about economic development and poverty reduction. Between 2004 and 2009, she pursued a degree in History from Yale University and worked in Cape Verde, China and the United States in a variety of roles at the intersection of business, finance and international relations. From 2010 to August 2013, she was the Director of Monitoring and Remediation at Estrategos Consultores, where she led a team of portfolio managers in providing technical assistance to the entire portfolio of grants and investments financed by USADF in Cape Verde. She provided financial and programmatic assistance, along with training, to over 20 SMEs and community associations to help them solve market failures, launch new products and services, create jobs, and improve quality of life. This on-the-ground work has offered her important insight for the instances where her role has been policy advisory. She was the youngest member of the team who carried out Cape Verde’s 2013 Diagnostic Trade Integration Study, preparing strategic recommendations to the Ministry of Trade on how to increase SME exports. A Pedro Pires Leadership Fellow who leads a number of social impact initiatives, she joined the CPE as an Economic Consultant in late 2013. She speaks English, French, Mandarin and Spanish.